Si Doel Anak Sekolahan or SDAS is commonly abbreviated television series directed by Indonesia Rano Karno as the Doel. This series first aired in RCTI in 1996. This series starred:
* Rano Karno as Doel, a student who is also his profession menyupir oplet
* Benjamin S as Sabeni, father Doel
* Aminah Cendrakasih as Madame Nyak, mother Doel
* As Mandra Mandra, Mak's brother or uncle Nyak Doel
* Maudy Koesnaedi as Zaenab
* Cornelia Agatha as Sarah
* Suti Karno as Atun, brother Doel
* Basuki as Karyo
* Bendot as Bendot, father Karyo
* Mr. Tile as the Engkong Doel
The story is a modern version of the novel Si Doel Anak Betawi Majoindo Datuk Aman and film of the same Sjumandjaja directed in 1972. In the film version, Rano Karno also serves as the Doel and Benjamin S Sabeni play.
SDAS when first aired skyrocketed into one of the most famous event and beat the popularity of foreign productions that dominate television time Indonesia.
Sabtu, 28 November 2009
Si Doel
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