Minggu, 02 Mei 2010


Cingkrik is one of silat Betawi flow. Because some major movement in the flow of this silat is hopping on one foot (Betawi people call Jejingkrikan), silat is called Jingkrik or Cingkrik. Cingkrik this is believed to be the "toys" Si Pitung. During its development, Cingkrik separated into several streams whose names were created by people who teach it. Until now there are two schools of Cingkrik, namely Cingkrik Sinan and Cingkrik Goning.

The second main difference is the flow of Sinan does not just teach techniques, but also the power within. While Goning solely rely on the application of physical technique. "It is becoming one of our excess flow, which can be learned by everyone," said Bambang Tubagus Sudrajat, 52 years old, heirs Goning Cingkrik flow.

Is Engkong Goning, real name Ainin son Urim, who founded this genre. Engkong, born in 1895 and died in 1975, taught martial arts to some people Goning in Rawa Belong, Kebon Jeruk, and Bridge Two, Harmony.

One student is Usup Engkong Utai, who developed this martial art to the local flow Grogol. Usup Utai, before he died in 1993, leaving it to the teachings of Bambang Sudrajat, who elestarikannya until now.

Goning flow characteristic, according to H. Nizam, one of the students Cingkrik Goning, was using one foot as the ultimate kick. "The hand is used to wait on your opponent attacks," he said. Once your opponent falls, settled with leg kicks.

In addition, Cingkrik Goning rely heavily on speed. "No matter slow motion like in the other stream," he said. Upon receiving the attack, in seconds must be done replies and braak, opponents have had to fall to the ground.

The technique of slamming into other advantages Goning silat flow. Calculated count there are about 80 techniques that can be controlled if the kickback occupied until the highest levels.

As a member of the Association of Pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI), Cingkrik Goning apply the system level. Start from the beginning to learn to get abuk red, take a maximum of seven years. During that engineering students are taught only to receive an attack stance. Afterwards, a new study, a pair of slam technique called "Greet".

In the last stage before the attack techniques are taught so-called "buy-sell." At this level students are taught to attack and counterattack counterattack against the opponent. "So we are attacked, we are winning," said Bambang.

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

bank ad yank tau ga tmpat maen pukulan
saye mau maen donk

Anonim mengatakan...

di majelis (Majelis Talim Al-Amanah) ane ada bank, daerah kebon jeruk jakarta barat deket kecamatan kebon jeruk..tiap hari jumat jam 1/2 10 malem ampe selesai...nyo ikut dah bank, kaga bakalan nyesel dah bang soalnye kebon jeruk daerah asli cingkrik..

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